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Promote your referral link on forums, blogs, comments, chat rooms, chats, facebook wall, facebook pages, groups, twitter, ptc sites, advertising websites to get link visits and earn money on every visit you sent through your link

When will I get paid?
The minimum balance required for payout is 300$ and you can get paid through PayPal, Cheque, Western Union, Money Gram, bank transfer at end of every month.

How much can I earn?
You can earn without any limits, it depends solely on your efforts and how much you work to promote your link. Many of our top members are earning more then 200$ per day and 5,000$+ per month

This can't be real. Are you giving free money?
No, we are not giving away free money. We are paying you in order to generate traffic to our advertiser's websites. We will get paid from our advertisers for the traffic we bring to them and paid commission to you people.

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Note: Please note that if you have not logged in to your account for more than 30 days, all your earnings will be lost. 




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