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Stop holding those farts in. Here are 7 unexpected health benefits of passing gas

Stop holding those farts in. Here are 7 unexpected health benefits of passing gas


If you’ve ever shamed yourself or have been shamed by someone else for passing wind, just tell them you’re being healthy.
Farting isn’t the most glamorous way to improve or assess our health, but it is indicative of a healthy, well-functioning digestive system and balanced level of gut bacteria.
According to,
  • 9% nitrogen
  • 21% hydrogen
  • 9% carbon dioxide
  • 7% methane
  • 4% oxygen
  • 1% hydrogen sulfide (this is what makes it smell)
Medical Daily suggests people flatulate between five and 10 times a day, has that number at 14. Most of our farts occur while we sleep. Foods that are known to cause flatulence are high in carbohydrates like including beans, artichokes, dairy products, sweet potatoes, oats, nuts, soy, and wheat.
You’d have to eat only refined sugars if you wanted to stop farting, and that isn’t healthy for anyone.
Despite what society tell us, women fart just as much as men. In fact, says women had more concentrated and odorous farts in a study where men and women who ate the same type and quantity of food.
Regardless of why or how many times we fart, here are some reasons it is good for us.

Bloat Reduction

Bloating is caused by a build-up of gas in your gut which farting releases. If your pants are feeling a little tight, consider cracking a rat.

It Helps to Balance Your Diet

Passing wind can help you to determine whether or not your diet is balanced since your body will react to different foods in a different manner. So, if you’re eating a lot of red meat, your farts will stink more. If you eat a lot of carbs, you’ll fart more but they’ll have a more neutral odor.

Reduce Abdominal Pain

Holding your gas can cause abdominal pain, also known as intestinal distension. So, letting your gas go will help relieve this pain. If you can let your farts fly, you can gently massage your belly to help the gas flow through your digestive system.

Colon Health

Holding in gas or trying to manipulate the way it is released can harm your colon and inflame your hemorrhoids. Those who have problems with their colon are told not to keep their farts in. So, it’s best to just pass gas naturally when you need to.

Smelling Your Farts is Healthy

Though no one will admit it, everyone likes the smell of their own farts. Other people’s… not so much.
Maybe this is because we instinctually know that it’s good for us. This is because the hydrogen sulfide produced in our intestines during digestion may prevent mitochondrial damage to our cells. This prevents strokes, heart disease, and arthritis.

Determine Food Allergies

Flatulence can determine whether or not we have certain food allergies like lactose intolerance and Coeliac Disease. This is because you will pass a lot of extra gas after consuming them.
If this occurs and you suspect you might have an allergy, you should see your doctor.

It’s Pleasurable

Farting feels fantastic. If that’s not a good enough reason to pass wind… I don’t know what is. Besides, trying to hold it in can make us cranky and no one needs another reason to be cranky.
If you’re still ashamed of how much gas you pass, you can try the following:
  • make sure you don’t have any conditions that require medical attention
  • eat slowly
  • avoid carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners
  • get more exercise
Otherwise, just get more comfortable with being a human being. After all, having a healthy digestive system is something to be thankful for.
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