WhatsApp is set to soon roll out end-to-end encrypted cloud backups on Android and iOS. The new move will help users keep their chats end-to-end encrypted even when they are a part of WhatsApp backups stored on a cloud service such as Apple iCloud or Google Drive. WhatsApp has worked from scratch to enable anticipated end-to-end encrypted backup support for its users. Notably, the instant messaging app has been offering end-to-end encrypted messages on its platform since 2016, and the update is essentially an expansion of that level of security to chat backups. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Friday announced through a post on the platform that WhatsApp has completed building end-to-end encrypted backups and will soon begin rolling out the new layer of privacy and security protection to users. The end-to-end encrypted backups will be available as an optional feature that users need to manually enable on the app. It will be rolled out to both...
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